The Slide Libraries feature of SharePoint was discontinued in SharePoint 2013 because of a design limitation in SharePoint 2013. Fortunately there is a solution: Slideboxx integrates with SharePoint and provides functionality similar to SharePoint Slide Libraries. Slideboxx has enhanced search and browsing capabilities compared to SharePoint, and customers have chosen Slideboxx over SharePoint Slide Libraries.
Slideboxx Server works with on-premises SharePoint installations as well as SharePoint online. Using Slideboxx Cloud you can connect to SharePoint Online and have a PowerPoint library with nothing to install on your computer or servers. Slideboxx works with both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.
Slideboxx is a great alternative or replacement for SharePoint PowerPoint Slide Libraries.
Slideboxx Enterprise is probably one of the most useful tools I have ever used. It integrated seamlessly with our existing SharePoint library of presentations...